
Schools and School Districts


School success is shaped by the information, skills and attitudes that pass between staff, students, and parents.

Strategically making the right connections between the right people will radically improve your school outcomes.

Our analytics enable you to do this.






 Staff Solutions

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Staff Collaboration

Interlink Insights can help schools capitalize on their collective power. Who do staff trust and depend on for information, inside scoops, getting things done, or great ideas? Which staff are collectively central and which are peripheral and need to be drawn in? Interlink maps can give you the intelligence you need to manage and leverage staff connectivity to its potential.

New Initiatives and Projects

Interlink Insights can help schools successfully adopt new practices and initiatives. Successful adoption requires successful diffusion of innovations. Although skills can be individually learned, the systemic practice of skills needs to be a practice valued and supported among staff.

Interlink can give school leadership a topographical map of its collective staff group, identifying the intersections where early adopters are located, their closeness to influencers, and the bridges that need to be built to transition gaps. Rather than training everyone or those who are available, leaders can strategically leverage particular staff that can make new innovations swarm.

Community Schools

Interlink Insights enables schools to take better advantage of the wide variety of resources offered in their communities. We do this by offering schools maps that visually illustrates their use of community resources, including highly utilized and under-utilized resources, resources that are on the periphery and those that are central to its community engagement. Using this information school leadership can effectively manage community engagement, leverage partners to build alliances, and better utilize the valuable resources that are around them. (For more information see the Partnerships section of this website.)


If your goal is school change, it will probably involve staff culture. Interlink Insights can help you make staff culture change as part of your data-driven strategy.

 Student Solutions


Can academic performance flourish in your school?

Interlink Insights can help schools build better student peer communities — peer connectivity that supports learning, engagement, and college goal-striving. Interlink’s maps provide schools with information and insights that enable school leaders to strategically change the social patterns and collective subgroups that define its student engagement, student culture, and student performance.


Building a college-going culture

Interlink Insights can assist schools in building a true college-going culture, a culture that is socially and academically normed for postsecondary education success. It does this through a systematic, data-driven process that enables schools to identify and strategically leverage the existing assets of its students and student supports toward collective performance. Strategically managing your student culture can radically shift its performance trajectory.


Equity? Which student groups are positioned for learning?

Which student groups are positioned for success in your school? This question goes beyond measures of academic performance and attendance. It includes the measure of a student’s location within the culture and programming of your school. As zip codes can predict a family’s income, a student’s social location among peers and associated programming can predict their future academic performance. The gap is as much environmental as it is academic. Interlink Insights can help schools recognize and address the systemic social and programming zones that work against their outcomes.

When race/ethnicity, gender, or disability are predictive of how far away (actual social distance) students are from high performing peers, the environmental gap indicates systemic racial, gender, or disability inequities — socially and programmatically. Interlink can help schools strategically restructure student zip codes by identifying gaps and building connectivity that supports equitably high outcomes for everyone.


Negative influences: Do peer networks support the conditions for bullying?

Some schools have challenges with bullies or students who take advantage of other students. Although this may seem like a problem with a select set of individuals, it persists because it is a collective problem. Interlink Insights can help schools improve the social conditions that spawn bullying. Mapping the relationships between bullies, victims, and bystanders presents actionable intelligence about where the conditions for bullying exist in a peer environment, who is involved, what their roles are within that system, and how the Interlink between them can be restructured and supported to diffuse the dynamics that spawn bullying.



If your goal is student outcomes, it will probably involve student culture. Interlink Insights can help you make student culture change as part of your data-driven strategy.

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